The Pre-Collegiate Program offers you a community of over 250 high school students who spend their time enjoying a summer at Berkeley. Get involved through Berkeley courses, co-curricular activities, and workshops planned just for you. Take advantage of everything campus has to offer, while simultaneously earning College credit.
Summer academic sessions begin with an orientation, a campus tour, and opportunities to meet your summer classmates. Optional co-curricular activities are planned to offer you a variety of helpful hints on both making the most of your Berkeley learning experience and planning for academic life. Berkeley staff and students, as well as visiting professionals, lead seminars about the best practices of using University libraries, choosing a College, and writing a successful College application and personal statement. Hear from currently enrolled Berkeley students and get your questions answered about what it's like to be study at Berkeley, and much more.

June 19 - August 11, 2017

July 3 - August 11, 2017
Pre-Collegiate Program participants choose from courses offered in Session C (June 19 - August 11) and Session D (July 3 - August 11). Find courses to meet and challenge your desire to learn. Whether you are looking for the next set of courses beyond your high school offerings, exploring a possible College major, or you're ready to try courses in an area of special interest, you can find it at Berkeley in the summer! Learn from and with the best, and an adviser at Summer Sessions will work with you every step of the way.
Benefits of the Pre-Collegiate Program include:
- The addition of Berkeley Summer Sessions on your College application
- A personal letter of commendation from the Dean of Summer Sessions, Study Abroad, and Lifelong Learning for passing grades upon email request.
- Earn a Berkeley transcript that can be requested from the UC Berkeley's Office of the Registrar
- College credit that may be transferable to another College program*
- An orientation and campus tour for accepted students and parents
- Seminars on writing a successful College application,College exploration, and more
- A designated adviser in Summer Sessions
- Co-curricular activities to introduce you to the campus and its services
- Eligibility for membership in the California Alumni Association (for a fee)
*Acceptance of transfer credit is always at the discretion of the accepting institution.
Applications are reviewed as they are received. All applicants must submit a completed application before they are considered for participation in the program.
Have a question?
- Email us at
- Call us at 510-643-3364.
- Sign up to be notified by email as new information becomes available.
The Pre-Collegiate Program is a commuter program and designed for students who live in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Domestic students who live outside of the Bay Area may apply to Summer Sessions through our partner agency, Education Unlimited, which offers a residential program and course options through the same list of lower division, undergraduate Summer Sessions courses.
Visiting international students who live outside the United States may participate in Berkeley Summer Sessions through the following residential programs offered by our partner agencies Education Unlimited, Sesame Consulting, or UC Berkeley Extension:
Education Unlimited
Summer Focus at Berkeley through Education Unlimited offers a residential program and course options through the same list of lower division, undergraduate Summer Sessions courses.
Sesame Consulting
The International Pre-Collegiate through Sesame Consulting offers students the opportunity to earn College credits and join the community of high school students coming from all over the world to enjoy a summer at UC Berkeley and the San Francisco Bay Area.
UC Berkeley Extension College Foundations Program
Study abroad with UC Berkeley Extension’s College Foundations Program! Join other qualified international high school students for an introduction to university life, including college-level coursework and personal university admissions advising.
Local students who live in the Bay Area may apply to the Pre-Collegiate Program using the online application if they meet all of the following requirements:
- Currently reside in the state of California
- Have completed the 10th or 11th grade by the start of summer classes
- Have an overall B average (3.0, weighted or unweighted) in all of their high school course work
- Must be 16 years of age by June 19, 2017
If a student will have graduated from high school before the start of summer classes, they can attend Berkeley Summer Sessions as a visiting student; such students are NOT limited by either the eligibility requirements or course choices set for Pre-Collegiate students.
Application Components
Your application needs to include:
- A completed online Pre-Collegiate form
- An official or unofficial transcript that includes all grades earned from 9th grade through the fall semester preceding your application (Report cards are not acceptable)
- A letter of interest, written by the student (See Application Process for more details)
- A Release of Authorization for Medical Treatment
- Full payment of fees at the time of application
The Pre-Collegiate Program is a commuter program and designed for students who live in the San Francisco Bay Area, so housing is not provided by UC Berkeley. It is not a residential program, thus students are required to find their own housing. Summer Sessions neither provides nor finds housing for students who are enrolled in the program.
Pre-Collegiate Program participants enroll in college-level courses offered in Session C (eight weeks: June 19 - August 11) and Session D (six weeks: July 3 - August 11). Pre-Collegiate students enroll in courses in which the majority of their classmates will be UC Berkeley students and visiting students from institutions around the United States and world. There are no courses designated specifically for high school students.
Typically, high school students take courses that are numbered between 1 and 99 (undergraduate, lower division), provided that academic departments deem the course available to high school students and students have met all course prerequisites. Because a Summer Sessions course is an accelerated version of a 16-week semester course, we advise that students take no more than two courses.
Letters & Science W1 – Exploring the Liberal Arts (online course open to high school students)
While there are no courses designated specifically for high school students, Letters and Science 1 is an online course open to high school students, particularly those who are interested in pursuing post-secondary education but uncertain of where to start their academic explorations. Taking L&S W1 over the summer will give you the best possible start on exploring academic disciplines within the liberal arts
Some courses numbered between 1 and 99 are not available to Pre-Collegiate students. Academic departments have oversight regarding course availability to high school students. It is the your responsibility to make sure that the course is available for high school students. If you have any questions about pre-requisite verification and/or course availability, please contact the academic department directly.
When choosing a course:
- Make sure the course is offered during Session C or D
- Make sure the course is numbered 1-99
- Check the course description and make sure the course/s you have chosen are open to you.
- Check course prerequisites to be sure that you have met the requirements listed. These can be found in the catalog description of the course. The Course Description link appears next to the title of the course in the schedule of classes.
Courses are offered for College credit but may not meet any high school unit or course requirements. Specific questions should be directed to the college/career counselor at your high school.
Once you have been accepted into the Pre-Collegiate Program and enrolled in your courses, go to the Cal Student Store and follow the appropriate links for the summer session and courses in which you are enrolled. There you can access a list of both required and recommended books for your class/es.
Tuition is based on the number of units you are taking. Visiting high school students pay $520 per unit with classes ranging from one to five units. Visiting student tuition applies to all students who are not currently enrolled in a degree program at a University of California campus. This includes all other US college students, international students, and high school students.
In addition, all visiting students are charged a registration fee of $380 and a document management fee of $55.
Pre-Collegiate tuition and fees must be paid within seven calendar days after enrollment or you may be dropped from your class(es). CalCentral includes a payment section, which will show the total of tuition (based on the courses for which you have applied) and program fees, if applicable, the registration fee, and the document management fee. This section also contains a section on payment details, including all necessary credit card information. Most major credit cards are accepted for payment. All charges must be paid at the time of enrollment.
For more information about fees and the Summer Sessions refund policy please go to our Fees and Refund Policy pages.
Fees are subject to change. Fees do NOT include housing. The Pre-Collegiate rogram does not have a residential component; there is no special supervision or programming in the residence halls for high school students.
Financial aid is only available for matriculating Berkeley students, thus Pre-Collegiate students are not eligible.
Dates, times, and locations are TBA.
Pre-Collegiate Activities |
Pre-collegiate Orientation Welcome Lunch Prepping for and Writing College Applications Treasures of UC Berkeley: Library Online Choosing a College That Best Suits You |
Applications period begins Monday, February 13, 2017. The deadline to apply for the Pre-Collegiate Program is Monday, June 5, 2017.
Complete the following steps to apply for the Pre-Collegiate Program:
Complete the online application Gather all of the following information before you begin:
• Basic biographical and contact information
• Emergency contact information
• Course control number/s for the chosen course(s) - Upload 200-500 word letter of interest (must be a PDF). The letter for the Pre-Collegiate Program should answer the following questions:
• What in your academic background (AP classes, test results, classroom participation, study habits, etc.) prepares you to participate in this program?
• How will you benefit from this program (i.e. How will it prepare you for future courses, career plans, leadership opportunities, etc.)?
• Please tell us about a facet of your personality that helps you move through your academic life. - Upload a copy of your most recent high school transcript, showing all high school work through Fall 2016 (must be a PDF). Report cards are not acceptable.
- Upload a signed Waiver of Liability form (must be a PDF).
- Pay all tuition and fees. Tuition and fees must be paid in full with credit card only (Summer Sessions accepts most major credit cards).
Applications are not considered complete until all required materials are submitted and all tuition and fees are paid.
Once your application has been processed, you will receive an e-mail with instructions for setting up your CalNet ID and passphrase. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive the email within a day of submitting your application.
Once you have created your CalNet ID and passphrase, you will be able to log in to the Cal Central system and enroll in courses, pay your fees, and access information about UC Berkeley.