Academic Integrity
Every student is responsible for maintaining the high academic standard expected by the University of California, Berkeley by ensuring that all academic work reflects his/her ideas or properly attributes the ideas to the original sources.
Carefully review the Student Code of Conduct for policies related to academic integrity.
Academic Residency Requirements
Attendance at Berkeley Summer Sessions does not constitute continuous residence. You need to apply for readmission to any succeeding semester if you did not complete the previous spring term. Consult the Berkeley Academic Guide for more information.
Many Berkeley Summer Sessions courses list prerequisites in their course descriptions.
UC Berkeley students are unable to enroll in a course unless they meet the listed prerequisite(s). Visiting students should assess their background in light of the listed prerequisite. When in doubt, contact the department offering the course and/or the instructor for advice. Department and instructor information are listed on the Class Schedule.
Course Numbering
1-99 (Lower Division Courses)
Open to freshmen and sophomores; not acceptable for upper division credit
100-196 (Upper Division Courses)
Ordinarily open to students who have completed at least one lower division course in the given subject or two years of college work
200-299 (Graduate Courses)
Adequate preparation, subject to instructor's approval, is normally 12 upper division semester units of work basic to the subject matter of the course
300-399 (Professional Courses)
For teachers or prospective teachers
400-499 (Professional Courses)
Like teaching courses, acceptable toward academic degrees only within the limitations prescribed by the various colleges or schools or the Graduate Division
Independent Studies
Some summer session courses are not listed in the catalog because enrollment in those courses requires special arrangements between the student and instructor or dean. To enroll, students must have completed at least 60 units of undergraduate study and be in good academic standing. Enrollment in any combination of these courses is restricted to four units per semester; grading is Passed/Not Passed, Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Consult the academic department directly for more information.
Graduate Students
Courses Accepted Toward the Master's Degree
If you plan to take Summer Sessions courses in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the master's degree, select only courses specially designated as acceptable for this purpose. Consult your adviser before enrolling.
Academic Residence Graduate
One Summer Session, if it is consecutive with a regular term, may be counted toward the master's degree academic residence. An exception is the MBA degree in the Graduate School of Business Administration. No degrees will be awarded for work completed during summer terms only.
Graduate Student Fees
Note that UC Graduate students pay a different per-unit charge.
If you plan to enroll in Summer Sessions to file your dissertation, you will need to enroll in one unit with your faculty adviser to be eligible. Consult with your Graduate Student Affairs Officers (GSAO) before enrolling.