Transfer Checklist

Before You Register:

  1. Be sure of your admittance to UC Berkeley and complete your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) by the deadline. You will be able to apply for Transfer Edge in CalCentral once you have completed your SIR.
  2. Carefully read the Transfer Edge website. Pay special attention to the Deadlines, Fees, Financial Aid, Refund Policy, and Academic Policies sections.
  3. Apply for BOTH the 2016-2017 AND 2017-2018 FAFSA or the California Dream Act by the designated deadlines. Enter UC Berkeley's school code 001312 on each. For more information, please go to the Financial Aid website.
  4. Review UC Berkeley's general undergraduate graduation requirements so you are aware of what classes you need in order to graduate.
  5. Review more than 600 courses Summer Sessions offers, including those from lists of specially chosen courses in their major department and courses chosen to fulfill the American Cultures requirement.
  6. Pick back-up classes in case the ones you want are full.
  7. Note the Course Number (Class Nbr: 5-digit number associated with each course) and the number of units for the courses you would like to take.
  8. Make sure to modify your assigned UC Berkeley Office of Undergraduate Admissions Officer before enrolling in coursework.


When 2017 admit decisions are posted, eligible students who have been admitted to UC Berkeley can register for Transfer Edge through their CalCentral Notifications tab.

After You Register:

  1. Go to Cal Central to find your class schedule, which confirms your summer enrollment within approximately 5 business days.
  2. You will receive a bill for your summer fees that will appear on your Cal Central My Finances page under Billing Summary.
  3. Make housing arrangements.
  4. Attend the Welcome Lunch.
  5. Begin classes and enjoy the co-curricular activities!

2016-2017 FAFSA or Dream Act applications for incoming students must be received no later than June 1, 2017. Review your messages in Cal Central for more information about your financial aid eligibility. For general information about types of aid available, visit the Financial Aid website.